Tuesday, September 22, 2009 0 comments

Two Eids in Pakistan

Once again, we continued the tradition of two Eids in Pakistan. In some areas of N-W.F.P. Eid was declared and celebrated on sunday, while rest of Pakistan celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr on Monday. Unlike previous years, N-W.F.P. Government officially supported the verdict of Un-official Rowyat-e-Hilal Committee and tried to implement its decision through police and DCOs in some areas.

Soon after the decision of Eid on Sunday was announced from Masjid Qasim Ali Khan, strong reaction came from Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs and From Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman Chairman Central Royat-e-Hilal Committee Pakistan. A new issue was created through media, and some News Channels played a very negative role to complicate a simple issue. I was very surprised to notice that the News Channels emphasized (Not just broadcasting the News!!!) on the point that majority of N-W.F.P. people didn't celebrate Eid on Sunday.

Instead of criticizing each other, Government & Ulema should try to reach a final solution for the issue. Also, Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman's Royat-e-Hilal Committee has lost its influence and is always challanged by other scholars. Government should think to restructure it to avoid such controversies in Future.

Some people suggest use of science for Royat-e-Hilal. Offcourse, Astronomy can be a useful tool for this purpose, but it cannot be considered a final source for declaring Eid.

Very unexpected and surprising role was played by Provincial Government of N-W.F.P. which supported the decision of un-offical Royat-e-Hilal Committee and tried to implement it forcibly. Although they may have thought to achieve unity in celebrating Eid, but they ultimately caused more differences between the people.

To sum up, Government and Ulema should take serious actions to avoid such controversies in Future, which can be achieved if we:

1. Restructure Central & Zonal Royat-e-Hilal Committees.
2. Consider to include Astronomers to facilitate Ulema in Royat-e-Hilal Committee.
3. Persuade Ulemas of all regions to support Central & Zonal Royat-e-Hilal Committees (Possible only if all schools of thought are given representation in Royat-e-Hilal Committee equally).
4. Educate people regarding Moon sighting (as false testimony is a serious crime in Islam).
5. Avoid any interference by political parties in such issues.
